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Welcome to!
The cargo- and transport exchange for courier services.

Would you like to reduce empty journeys? Do you want to find the most suitable load out of endless freight offers? If that's the case this is the place to be. As a member you have online access to European-wide freight offers and empty vehicles.

Instead of many words we would rather like to make you an unbeatable offer:
test completely, without obligation and free of charge for three months.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

About us

There are freight exchan-
ges ten a penny.
We offer you concrete advan-
tages. Discover on the
following pages what distin-
guishes us from the rest and
what we do in a different way
to everyone else.

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Useful tools

Integrate easily
into your daily business.
Developed by courier pros
for courier pros we offer
an efficient and technologically
sophisticated system.

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Try it for yourself

Where others just have
empty promises we take
our system seriously.
Test us. Right here,
right now. Three months.
Completely free of charge
and without obligation.

Register here   Register here

Fair trading

With you work
with the leading courier
businesses / companies
across the whole of Europe.
Benefit from the advantage
of a strong network with
dedicated colleagues.

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There are freight exchanges ten a penny. We offer you concrete advantages. Discover on the following pages what distinguishes us from the rest and what we do in a different way to everyone else.

> Carry on reading here
Integrate easily into your daily business. Developed by courier pros for courier pros we offer an efficient and technologically sophisticated system.

> Carry on reading here
Why becoming a partner?
With you work with the leading courier businesses / companies across the whole of Europe. Benefit from the advantage of a strong network with dedicated colleagues.

> Carry on reading here
Try it for yourself!
Where others just have empty promises we take our system seriously. Test us. Right here, right now. Three months. Completely free of charge and without obligation.

> Register here
Fair, open, transparent
Your advantages at a glance
  • Access to numerous vehicles across Europe
  • 100% support for our members - we are there if you need us
  • Cooperative partnership and fair collaboration between members
  • Extensive technological innovations
  • Members credit ratings examined and vetted
  • Three month free testing period
  • Fair prices - custom-made service packages
be better informed
Our newsletter
Strong partners
We are on board.
Clever shopping
Our cooperation partners